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The physical therapists at Partnership in Therapy treat a range of conditions, including pelvic disorders, back and neck pain, and complaints associated with pregnancy. These terms cover a host of conditions. For example, there can be many possible causes of pelvic pain, such as vulvodynia, chronic constipation, prostatitis, vaginismus, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and interstitial cystitis (IC), to name a few. Below, we have listed a number of conditions we treat; if your issue is not listed here or you would like to know whether we treat your symptom or diagnosis, please call our office.

Pregnancy and Postpartum Issues

Women may experience pain during and after pregnancy. Some types of pregnancy pain include lower back pain, pelvic pain, and pain in the tailbone (coccyx). In the postpartum period, women can experience pelvic pain, pain in the perineum, bladder issues, anal incontinence, and prolapse of the bladder, uterus, or bowel.

Pelvic pain

Pelvic pain can be a result of pelvic floor dysfunction, meaning dysfunction in the cradle of muscles in your pelvic region. Adjacent muscles, such as abdominal or upper thigh muscles, interact with the pelvic floor and can exacerbate pelvic floor dysfunction. There are many conditions and disorders that can cause pelvic pain. 

Painful sex / sexual dysfunction ​

Painful sex and other types of sexual dysfunction are experienced by both men and women, and impact one's quality of life. The scientific name for painful sex is "dyspareunia." Sexual dysfunction is a term that covers an inability to have satisfying sexual activity, and is divided into four categories: desire disorders, arousal disorders, orgasm disorders, and pain disorders. 

Bowel and urinary incontinence

Incontinence means "loss of control," and patients can experience both urinary and anal incontinence. Sometimes patients experience incontinence after surgical procedures, e.g., prostatectomy. In fact, there are multiple possible causes for incontinence, and some (although not all) of them involve pelvic floor dysfunction. 


Prostatitis involves infection or inflammation of the prostate. There are three types of prostatitis: acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, and chronic nonbacterial prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome. A minority of prostatitis cases (5% to 10%) derive from infection.

Back and Neck Pain

Back and neck pain (also known as cervical pain) has a myriad of causes, from a protruding or herniated disk to poor muscle tone. Other causes include infection, muscle tears, and abdominal issues.


Swollen veins in the rectum or anus are known as hemorrhoids. They can be either internal or external or both, and can cause pain when a person has a bowel movement, and/or itching and discomfort especially while sitting.

Digestive (GI tract) Dysfunction

The "GI tract" is a term referring to the colon and the rectum. Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction covers many disorders and diagnoses, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, colitis, and diverticulitis, among others. 

Urinary Frequency & Urgency

People usually urinate from 6 to 8 times a day, 10 times if they have drunk a good deal of liquid. Those who experience urinary frequency "go" much more frequently than average. Urinary urgency involves a strong, sudden (urgent) need to urinate. There are many possible causes for both, from urethritis to an enlarged prostate.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

When an organ prolapses, it drops down. Pelvic organs can prolapse and cause discomfort or pain. These organs include the bladder, the uterus, the urethra, the vagina, the rectum, and the small bowel. Pregnancy is one cause of pelvic organ prolapse; other causes include chronic constipation, tumors, and obesity.

Diastasis Recti

The rectus abdominis (abdominal muscle) runs down each side of the abdomen. In diastasis recti, the ab muscles separate, due to pressure on the belly area. Pregnant women often experience this condition.


Osteoporosis is a fairly common disease in which bones become weak and brittle. This may be caused by the body producing too little bone, by the body losing bone too rapidly, or both. In some cases osteoporosis may put the bones at risk for fracture. 

Post-Mastectomy Pain

After a mastectomy, some women experience pain in the chest, armpit, arm, and/or the surgical site itself. Additional causes of breast pain include other types of surgery, injury, infection of the breast glands, and scar tissue.

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